Tuesday, October 4, 2011


“It is good to be one as we all speak a common language”

The concept of discrimination starts from naming of the state when Marathi speaking people named their state as Maharashtra, Guajarati people as Gujarat, Tamil speaking people as Tamil nadu, why did they name telugu speaking people as Andhra Pradesh why could not this be Telugu Nadu or Telugu Pradesh?

If common language is the base of unity then why did British and USA fight 2 bitter wars (1776 & 1812) though they speak common language? If u say that they are not geographically connected then atleast say why does not Canada and USA cant join to form a nation, they both speak English right? Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Delhi all speak in Hindi should we combine them? Will they accept it?

Go to Scotland and ask any one are you English? Then he will angrily reply that he is a Scottish, and the bombs of Ireland republican association went off till last decade in streets of London. Even though their struggle traces back to 13th century Scottish and Irish people kept their struggle alive. The argument is simple it is not language or land that make a state it is the people and culture make them a state. State stands for people but not a land mass. They concept of centralizing everything is a myth you cant run this big country sitting in Delhi until and unless it shows some respect to regional feelings. Why did all the previous empires did not withstand in India. Could Alla-Ud-Din-khilji and mughal rulers establish their authority by force?

“Telangana will once again move into muslim domination”-

There is no place for communalism (atleast) in Telangana, when Razakars of nizam of were harassing people of Telangana many Muslim youth stood by the side of the oppressed, maqdoom moinuddin is the best example for it.

Abid Hassan was the deputy of Subash Chandra Bose in INA and he hails from Hyderabad. Go and look in rural Telangana who will dance for PIR’s Of Muslims? And there is no need for Muslims to prove their patriotism. Telangana has common enemies as the poor of other parts of world has hunger, corruption, oppression, inequality, are our enemies but not a single religion and we will fight the inequality till victory is ours.

“Demand for separate state will lead to disintegration of country”

If that is the case Telangana was a separate country altogether for 13 months why did people fight to join Indian union? Our fight isn’t like Khalistan or any other separatist movement. Just refer to contributions of Telangana during 1962 indo china war and other national catastrophes? Time has come to correct the policy at the centre. The centre must take care of only Finance, Defense & external affairs it should give chance for the states to evolve, people of north east, Telangana, vidharabha, bhundelkhand, etc., must be given a chance to prove themselves they must be given time to evolve and understand the main stream

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